United Kingdom in 2019

Preventing slavery and supporting survivors

In the UK, we campaign and advocate for an effective system that prevents people from being exploited in modern slavery and supports people after they escape.

Thanks to a successful legal challenge which Anti-Slavery supported, the UK Government agreed that people who are identified as victims of slavery should receive support according to their individual circumstances. Before, support would only be guaranteed for 45 days before it was cut off.

The case was brought by two slavery survivors. One of them, LP*, was trafficked for sexual exploitation from Albania. She now has a young daughter to care for and is trying to rebuild her life, but she was shocked when she learnt that she would lose her specialist support so soon after being officially recognised as a victim. Now she hopes for a better future.

In April, we also handed in 12,000 of your petition signatures asking the UK Government to back the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill, which would guarantee better care for survivors in the UK.

We continue to campaign for better protection for vulnerable people affected by slavery with the new Parliament.

Niger slave descend children in school

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