Category: Press releases

Press releases and media information from Anti-Slavery International. For any media queries and interview requests please contact our Communications Manager Jessica Turner:

  • mobile (available also at out of office hours): +44 (0)7789 936 383
  • email: [email protected]

Modern Slavery Bill Draft fails the victims of slavery

Modern Slavery Bill draft fails the victims of slavery says Anti-Slavery International. 16 December 2013 The draft Modern Slavery Bill, published today, does not address the protection of victims, says Anti-Slavery International. The organisation says that this element is not only a fulfilment of the legal right of a victim… Keep reading »

Hidden in plain sight

UK Anti-trafficking response fails victims of trafficking says report by Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group. Failures of the UK’s system to identify, protect and assist victims of trafficking has been highlighted by the new report by Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group. The report describes how the focus on the immigration status of… Keep reading »

Protect 15 Million Child Domestic Workers – International Groups Call for Ratification of ILO Treaty

25 February 2013 Ten international organisations called on ministers of labor around the world to ratify the ILO Domestic Workers Convention to protect the rights child domestic workers. The coalition sent a joint letter released today. The International Labour Organization’s convention, has been adopted in June 2011 to protect the… Keep reading »

Make traffickers pay for victim justice, OSCE and CoE say

11 October 2012 European governments must confiscate the assets of traffickers to fund compensation for victims to keep them safe from re-trafficking, say the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in… Keep reading »

EU Support for ILO Mission Crucial to Ending Forced Child Labour

31 May 2012 The European Union should urge the Uzbek government to grant access to the International Labour Organization (ILO) to monitor the 2012 cotton harvest, a coalition of nongovernmental organizations said in letters to the European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton and Denmark’s foreign minister, Villy Søvndal. The monitoring… Keep reading »

London photo exhibition puts global slavery into focus

16 March 2007 At least 12 million people worldwide, including in the UK, are in slavery 200 years after Britain abolished the Transatlantic Slave Trade. A striking new photo exhibition — Forgotten But Not Gone: Slavery and resistance 200 years after abolition — exposes the global realities of slavery today,… Keep reading »