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All the latest news, press releases, advocacy and blogs from Anti-Slavery International.

Congolese warlord on trial for recruiting child soldiers

30 January 2009 A Congolese militia leader accused of recruiting child soldiers is being tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague this week. The case is the first to come before the ICC. Thomas Lubanga, the former leader of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) militia, is… Keep reading »

Sudan accused of making thousands slaves in Darfur

6 January 2009 Thousands of civilians in Darfur are being abducted for forced labour and sexual slavery by the Sudanese Army and government backed militia, according to a report published in December. Many of the abductions take place during armed raids by Janjaweed militia on the villages of Fur, Massaliet,… Keep reading »

End criminalising victims of trafficking

18 December 2008 Call to end culture of criminalising trafficking victims Anti-Slavery International welcomes the Government’s ratification of the Trafficking Convention yesterday evening (17 December 2008) but warns that there must now be an end to the culture of treating trafficked people as criminals rather than the victims of serious… Keep reading »

Niger condemned for slavery

27 October 2008 Niger has been found responsible of failing to protect 24-year-old Hadijatou Mani from slavery. The judgement was delivered in Niamey, the capital of Niger today (Monday 27 October) by the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Court, which has… Keep reading »

Freedom for 20,000 people as Nepal abolishes bonded labour practice

9 September 2008 Anti-Slavery International, the world’s oldest human rights organisation, welcomes the decision by the government of Nepal to free 20,000 people in slavery by abolishing the local bonded labour practice of ‘haliya‘. The organisation also calls for official support to help the freed labourers find alternative livelihoods and… Keep reading »

Migrant domestic workers dying every week in Lebanon

27 August 2008 More than one migrant domestic worker a week dies in Lebanon from suicide or by accident in a desperate attempt to escape from their employers, according to Human Rights Watch. Since January 2007, 95 migrant domestic workers have died in the Lebanon. Forty were classed as suicide… Keep reading »

Free teacher training programme on the Transatlantic Slave Trade

20 July 2008 Anti-Slavery International and Inner Vision are delighted to offer four INSET days at the Museum in Docklands to support and empower established and trainee teachers to deliver classes on the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Key Stage 3 History curriculum. The main aims of the INSET day… Keep reading »

Historic slavery case launched against Niger

3 April 2008 In a historic first, a former slave is bringing a case against the State of Niger before the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Community Court of Justice in Niamey on 7 April 2008, on the grounds that Niger has failed to implement laws against… Keep reading »

Transatlantic Slave Trade seminars – resources, training and networking beyond the Bicentenary

27 March 2008 As part of the 2007 bicentenary commemorations, Anti-Slavery International launched the Recovered Histories project, an outreach and resources programme. 2007 provided a basis for creating dialogue about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its legacies, Recovered Histories seeks to continue this work beyond 2007. Anti-Slavery International is… Keep reading »