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All the latest news, press releases, advocacy and blogs from Anti-Slavery International.

Returned North Korean migrants subjected to forced labour

1 August 2007 North Korean economic migrants are being deported from China and illegally used as forced labour in North Korean prison camps, a new report from Anti-Slavery International reveals. Forced Labour in North Korean Prison Camps includes 30 interviews with North Korean men and women who were imprisoned in… Keep reading »

China sentences 29 in brick kiln forced labour case

17 July 2007 A man was sentenced to death and 28 others imprisoned on 17 July for using forced labour in brick kilns in Shanxi province, China. Those found guilty include a brick kiln supervisor who was sentenced to death for killing a man and a kiln foreman who was… Keep reading »

Brazil rescues over 1,000 forced labourers

6 July 2007 Brazilian authorities freed over 1,100 forced labourers from a sugar cane plantation in the Amazon in the biggest raid to date. The government’s Mobile Inspection Group led the three-day raid, which ended on 2 July, against a plantation owned by the country’s largest ethanol producer in Para… Keep reading »

Child camel jockey programme extended

24 April 2007 On 24 April, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government extended its agreement to rehabilitate and repatriate children trafficked as camel jockeys. The agreement with UNICEF extends a project which began in May 2005. Although this latest move is an encouraging step forward, Anti-Slavery International is concerned that… Keep reading »

Mauritanian president moves against slavery

25 March 2007 Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, Mauritania’s first democratically elected president, pledged he would toughen the country’s anti-slavery legislation and take action to help former slaves. This is the first time slavery has been officially acknowledged as a problem in Mauritania and that a commitment has been made… Keep reading »

UK Government signs Council of Europe trafficking convention

23 March 2007 In a welcome move, on 23 March the United Kingdom signed the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings and pledged it would ratify this crucial convention. Anti-Slavery International, our supporters and partners have been calling on the Government to sign the Convention… Keep reading »

London photo exhibition puts global slavery into focus

16 March 2007 At least 12 million people worldwide, including in the UK, are in slavery 200 years after Britain abolished the Transatlantic Slave Trade. A striking new photo exhibition — Forgotten But Not Gone: Slavery and resistance 200 years after abolition — exposes the global realities of slavery today,… Keep reading »

Need for UK Government action on slave trade legacies

15 March 2007 Anti-Slavery International welcomes Prime Minister Tony Blair’s apology for Britain’s role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade (14 March) and calls on the Government take action in order to address the Slave Trade’s legacies. “This is an important move forward, but for apology to be effective, it is… Keep reading »

Anti-Slavery International helps free trafficked women

7 March 2007 In March, Anti-Slavery International helped free four women trafficked into prostitution in Côte d’Ivoire, resulting in their safe return home and the prosecution of their traffickers. The women, aged between 17 and 24, were trafficked from the Philippines believing they were going to work in France. Instead,… Keep reading »