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All the latest news, press releases, advocacy and blogs from Anti-Slavery International.


World Cup 2022: the reality for migrant workers in Qatar

In our latest blog, Eloise Savill, Private Sector Adviser, explains the reality of modern slavery in Qatar and the implications for Qatar hosting the World Cup 2022. In November, the men’s FIFA World Cup 2022 – the most watched sporting event in the world –… Keep reading »

migrant worker

Improving access to remedy for migrant workers: conclusions from a 3-year project

In our latest blog, Cristina Patriarca shares the conclusions from a 3-year project working to improve access to remedy for migrant workers.  Modern slavery in supply chains is a widespread, world-wide problem. Regardless of international labour standards and frameworks, “low-skilled” migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuses… Keep reading »

The European Commissions’ proposal for an EU due diligence law: our recommendations addressing its current shortcomings

In February 2022, we shared our initial reaction to the EU Commissions’ proposal for a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence law. We have now released our comprehensive analysis and recommendations for addressing the proposal’s shortcomings. Rocio Domingo-Ramos, Business and Human Rights Policy and Research Officer, shares how we… Keep reading »

How the RNA process created yet another “hostile environment”

25 April 2022 Kimberley – policy and monitoring assistant at Anti-Slavery International and co-author of our most recent report “One day at a time” – talks about the hostile environment created for survivors of modern slavery. Today, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group and Anti-Slavery International… Keep reading »

Okay Google, what’s the RNA?

26 April 2022 Today, the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group, hosted by Anti-Slavery International, launches “One day at a time”, a report looking at the Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA). Co-author of the report, Olly, sheds light on the report and on the RNA process itself. Image via unsplash. As someone who has… Keep reading »