arrested development report cover

Arrested Development: Discrimination and slavery in the 21st Century

August 2008Ending child slaveryResearch reportsInternational
Anti-Slavery International, Mike Kaye. Discrimination is a pivotal part of slavery because it allows people to disengage their humanity and justify or tolerate the violation of other people’s human rights. Discrimination also limits certain groups’ access to education, jobs and healthcare, leaving them to subsist at the margins of society where they are extremely vulnerable to enslavement as they look for ways to provide for themselves and their families. This publication highlights what action needs to be taken by governments and other international agencies to ensure that every human being – without exception – should be able to live a life free from slavery. ISBN:978 0 900918 66 7
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‘They Respect Their Animals More’: Voices of child domestic workers

July 2008Ending child slavery

Anti-Slavery International, Jonathan Blagbrough.

This report is the product of group discussions and individual interviews with more than 400 current and former child domestic workers from urban and rural areas in Benin, Costa Rica, India, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Tanzania and Togo, to inform about the situation and needs of child domestic workers in order to better target programmes and policies on the issue. It also aims to encourage thinking about child domestic workers not simply as subjects of concern, but as social actors able to articulate their needs and capable of transforming their own lives, and the lives of others.ISBN:978 0 900918 65 9

forced labour in North Korean prison camps report cover

Forced Labour in North Korean Prison Camps

December 2007North Korea

Anti-Slavery International, Norma Kang Muico.

This report focuses on returned North Korean migrants who are subjected to forced labour in North Korean prison camps following their deportation from China. The findings of the report are based on interviews carried out with North Koreans who were subjected to forced labour while in detention. The report includes photographs and 30 cases. Most of those interviewed were subjected to forced labour before being prosecuted, which violates international standards as well as North Korea’s domestic law. The report also outlines what measures need to be taken to address this situation (also available in Korean, see translations page)

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Poverty, Development and the Elimination of Slavery

October 2007Ending child slavery

Anti-Slavery International, Mike Kaye, Aidan McQuade

Discussion paper.

Collateral Damage 2007: The impact of anti-trafficking measures on human rights around the world

September 2007Migration and trafficking

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW).
This anthology reviews the experience of eight specific countries and attempts to assess what the impact of anti-trafficking measures have been for a variety of people living and working there, or migrating into or out of these countries. The eight are: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Brazil, India, Nigeria, Thailand, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). The chapters look specifically at what the impact has been on people’s human rights.

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Women in Ritual Slavery: Devadasi, Jogini and Mathamma in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Southern India

July 2007Research reportsIndia

Anti-Slavery International, Maggie Black

This report looks at the ritual slavery practices of Devadasi, Jogini and Mathamma in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in southern India. These practices involve the dedication of young girls to a deity and their subsequent sexual exploitation by one or many men from the community. The report analyses the problem and considers responses to the problem to date and what more needs to be done.

Missing Out: A Study of Child Trafficking in the North-West, North-East and West Midlands

January 2007Migration and traffickingUK

Christine Beddoe, ECPAT UK
The report highlights the cases of 80 children known or suspected of being trafficked into the UK for sexual exploitation, labour exploitation and forced marriage. More shocking is that 48 of these children have gone missing from social services care and have never been found.

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Trafficking for Forced Labour: UK Country Report

December 2006Migration and traffickingUK

Klára Skrivánková, Anti-Slavery International
The result of research carried out by Anti-Slavery International between 2005 and 2006 with the aim of finding out more about trafficking for forced labour in the United Kingdom. This was a qualitative rather than quantative project, which aimed to provide information about how migrants become trafficked and which industries in the UK are affected. Also available an executive summary and policy recommendations.

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Trafficking for Forced Labour in Europe

November 2006Migration and traffickingEurope

Anti-Slavery International.

Report on a study in the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Portugal This report looks at the various sectors and industries in which trafficking into forced labour occurs including agriculture, construction, domestic work and hospitality. Includes policy recommendations at a European level.

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Trafficking in Women, Forced Labour and Domestic Work: In the Context of the Middle East and Gulf region

November 2006Migration and traffickingResearch reportsGulf

Anti-Slavery International.

This report investigates the experiences of women migrant domestic workers in the Middle East and Gulf, the dynamics and workings of the migration process and whether and how it contributes to trafficking. Also included is an examination of some of the key, inter-connecting dynamics between slavery, trafficking, migration and forced labour, focusing particularly on examples of sending, receiving and transit countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen.

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