Slavery resources

Combatting Trafficking in Persons: A directory of organisations

Migration and trafficking
CHANGE Anti-Trafficking Programme. Information of activities and services offered by organisations around the world that are working towards the elimination of human trafficking. It aims to facilitate co-operation and the establishment of networks and partnerships, aid effective referral for trafficked people (psychological counselling, long-term shelter provision and skills training), assist personnel who have identified a victim of trafficking to make contact with relevant service providers and provide an overview of the trafficking situation in each country. Also provides background on legislation and the types of services provided by organisations and institutions in this area. ISBN 0 907236 35 9
international action against child labour report cover

International Action Against Child Labour: Guide to monitoring and complaints procedures

Ending child slavery

Anti-Slavery International.

Produced by Anti-Slavery International for organisations wanting to persuade governments to take action against child labour. It explains clearly how and why to use international monitoring and complaints procedures to encourage governments to respect their obligations regarding child rights. Twenty-eight pages including cover, with illustrations and case studies.

Abolishing Slavery and its Contemporary Forms: Weissbrodt Report

Ending child slaveryPolicy briefsInternational

Paper prepared by David Weissbrodt and Anti-Slavery International.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 2002

Ref: HR/PUB/02/4

The Impact of Discrimination on Working Children and on the Phenomenon of Child Labour

Ending child slavery

NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child Sub-Group on Child Labour.

Why do children work? Most children work because their families are poor and their labour is necessary for their survival. Discrimination on grounds including gender, race or religion may also play a large part in why some children work. This six-page report investigates how discrimination works as a cause and a consequence of child labour.

advocacy handbook cover

Child Domestic Workers: Finding a voice, a handbook on advocacy

Ending child slavery

Maggie Black, Anti-Slavery International.

This book draws on the experience of activists from 17 countries and representatives of internaitonal and regional agencies who attended a workshop that Anti-Slavery International convened in April 2001. A practical “how to” guide which will help local level NGOs and activists plan, design, implement and evaluate the impact of an advocacy strategy on child domestic workers. ISBN 0 900918 51 9.

redefining victim protection report cover

Human Traffic, Human Rights: Redefining victim protection

Migration and trafficking

Anti-Slavery International.

This report looks at measures to protect trafficked people in Belgium, Colombia, Italy, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Thailand, Ukraine, the UK and US. It includes case studies, documents good and bad treatment by authorities and concludes with recommendations. Download PDF versions of the complete report, individual chapters or of the executive summary, which is also available in French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. The complete version of the report is also available in French.

forced labour in the 21st century report thumbnail

Forced Labour in the 21st Century

Ending child slaveryMigration and trafficking

Anti-Slavery International, ICFTU.
This booklet highlights the main ways in which forced labour manifests itself internationally, including through slavery, bonded labour, trafficking and child labour. Case studies and pictures are provided throughout. ISBN: 0 9009 18 50 0.

Sudan report cover

Is there Slavery in Sudan?

Climate changeEnding child slaveryMigration and traffickingResponsible businessResearch reportsSudan

Anti-Slavery International.

This report summarises information obtained during a fact-finding visit to investigate abductions and slavery in Sudan. It includes illustrated case studies and the Sudan Government’s response.

ILO report cover

ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention

Ending child slavery

2001. NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child the Sub-Group on Child Labour.

Do You Know About the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention? A 24-page brochure on how this convention creates new opportunities for civil society organisations. The brochure focuses on involvement in ratification and implementation of the Convention in an easy to read and lively format.

For a hardcopy (only available in Arabic or Spanish) please email your details, including name, organisation, and address to [email protected]

International Workshop for Practitioners on Child Domestic Work – Summary Report

Ending child slavery

Anti-Slavery International.

In April 2001, Anti-Slavery International held an international workshop for practitioners on child domestic work. This is a 10-page summary report of this meeting. The complete handbook is available above.

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